Trees for Free at The Real Halloween

Update 9 10 16

Look out for this poster to find the free trees, near the INFO Point by the Great Oak on the main lawn.



“Once upon a time, deep deep in the woods” … so begin so many fairy tales.  And for a good reason.  Our ancient tales of folklore and magic have their beginnings in the forests that once covered this country.  And now here’s your opportunity to put a bit of that nature and magic back, one tree at a time.

Bring us a story, and we’ll give you a tree, at The Real Halloween.


Not a big tree of course but a native tree just right for wildlife wherever you plant it, whether at home in your garden or maybe in a friend or relative’s, or possibly at school or work ?  These little trees are at the size called “whips” about half a metre long, big enough to have a strong root but small enough to be easy to transplant.   Autumn is good time of year to plant trees.  Not too hot and dry, not too frosty.


Look !   This is what a tree whip looks like – just right …

We are giving away trees in exchange for stories, in support of the Tree Charter project led by the Woodland Trust (visit  It doesn’t have to be a long story, just a few thoughts about  woods or trees.  Maybe why you like them or one tree in particular, possibly a good one to climb or a secret woody spot or old tree where you might have looked for fairies, elves or other magical creatures ?  Or one with a woodpecker hole.

tree-planting-wells-primary_4 tree-planting-wells-primary_3 tree-planting-wells-primary_2

Or it could be a story about what you hope to do with the tree we give you.  All stories about woods or trees are welcome.


Stitchwort growing under oak and hazel at Bradfield Woods in Suffolk.  All these plants havea magical fairy story to tell

Come and see us at the Information Point to swap your story for a tree.  It couldn’t be easier, and we will give you advice about where to plant it, and tell you a bit about its own special magical folklore.


The Tree Charter aims to raise awareness of the importance of woodlands and trees in all our lives, and 2017 sees the 800th Anniversary of the Forest Charter, which was the follow-up to the Magna Carta and laid out the rights of free men in England to use the forests.  All over the country people are sending in stories (see some at and organising woody events about trees and forests (visit   You can also read the blog or write your own here:


Veteran beech pollards at Lions Mouth, part of Felbrigg Hall National Trust woodlands in Norfolk

But best of all please bring along your own story, or your family’s story, about what trees and woods mean to you and write it down for us at The Real Halloween.  Just one sentence will do !  Here’s one someone wrote earlier and posted at the Tree Charter website:

Trees: They are the best things in my life. My dog loves them as well. When it is hot we enjoy the shade.  Tim

Here’s another:

I grew up in a city, where trees’ roots were clad with tarmac. While I was in primary school I went on a trip to Goblin Coombe and I remember so clearly the mulch or leaves, the tiny insects crawling through, the smell of the wood. It is a fine and happy memory of a happy time.  Steve


Maybe you have a story about a specially magical tree ?  Maybe go on the Woodland Trail at The Real Halloween to get some inspiration, such as the 900 year old Sweet Chestnut coppice.  Maybe you will get ideas from visiting the Great Oak on the main lawn ?  Or possibly you will find a special tree that only you know about.  Whichever it is, please come and tell us and get a tree to take home.  Who knows what may decide to come and visit it !

chestnut coppice

This tree was already mature by the time of the 1217 Forest Charter – can you find it on the Woodland Trail ?


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