Help Us Make These Flower Fairy Costumes for the Fairy Fair

Can you help bring Flower Fairies to life ?

We need to raise £1,050 to make three great new Wildflower Fairy costumes for the next Fairy Fair.

If you visited the 2015 Fair you may have met Daisy, Dandelion, Cornflower, Bluebell, Poppy and Foxglove, and maybe made a wildflower of your own to wear ? Now we want to add their friends Violet, Fairy Dusters (Field Scabious) and Red Clover.  Here are the designer’s sketches – we think they look lovely but we need to find £350 to get each one properly made.

violet FF design_2

scabious fairy duster FF design_2red clover FF design_2


These costumes may look fabulous but they are are not just for show.  Bees, butterflies and other insects are disappearing because of pesticides and the wildflowers they need for food (nectar for energy and the green bits for caterpillars – but only the right type !).  Shop bought ‘garden flowers’ won’t do.  The Flower Fairies help tell children and families all about this and what we can do to help.

Our three new flowers are all really good for wildlife.  Red clover is hugely important for bumble bees. Field Scabious is a food plant of the Marsh Fritillary butterfly and visited by other such as Small Skipper, Essex Skipper Marbled White, and Red admiral.  Dog violet is the food plant of Dark Green Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary,Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Silver-washed Fritillary, and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary.

You can make a donation here

The costumes are designed by Heather Bagley and will be made by her and Corrina Lowe.


Help give us some more friends ! Dandelion, Bluebell, Foxglove and Daisy at the 2015 Fair

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