Yes real Jumble Sales* still exist. At least ours does. So please come to our Jumble Sale at Norwich Playhouse, 11am – 4pm Saturday January 16th. We’ll be enchanted to see you. Please let your friends know. You can help by printing out this poster and displaying it somewhere prominent.
Amazingly, entrance is free. As is the complimentary opportunity to now go through your drawers and cupboards and offload anything you think we might raise a few pennies from. All proceeds will go to our Fairy Meadow Fund. Contact Vicky Eyles if you have stuff to offer in advance (nothing actually decaying, which requires PAC testing or which moves of its own volition please). Even better, bring it along on the day before 10.30am, to Norwich Playhouse.
Bring lots of money to spend and spend it freely in a good cause. The bar will be open. Coffee and so on is available.
* “a sale of a mixed collection of things that people no longer want, especially in order to make money for an organization” (Cambridge University Press). So you see it’s a bit like a Car Boot except no cars, it’s indoors, you don’t have to bring junk with you and take it away again, there are far fewer concrete garden gnomes, and you don’t have to get there at dawn in order to have a chance of getting a bargain. Plus it’s to support a charity.
Thanks to Fairyland Trust Supporter Vicky Eyles for organizing the Jumble Sale.
PS this is the first Jumble Sale ever organized to help the Fairyland Trust so come and be part of history. And take some home with you.