Update on Fairyland Trust Next Steps

September 5 – Update on Fairyland Trust Next Steps

  • Real Halloween tickets on sale Friday
  • Looking for travelling Workshop and Wildflower Fortunes venues in 2025
  • Norfolk Winter and Spring Workshops at West Acre

The Real Halloween – get your tickets

Tickets go on sale from www.fairylandtrust.org at 7pm tomorrow, Friday 6th September.

This will be the last ‘Halloween in Norfolk as after 25 years, the Fairyland Trust founders need to retire from running such events. Whether they can continue elsewhere in the future is something we currently cannot answer.  See our June 6 post for more details.  We’ll take stock once The Real Halloween is done and dusted, and keep our Supporters updated.

To help ensure our work can continue and stay informed, become a Supporter.

More travelling childrens nature Workshops in 2025: 

Without large events to organise we will have more capacity to take our Magical Workshops for young families out and about around the country. In previous years when we did this we reached 1000s of children, sometimes more than by running the Fair or Halloween.

You can help us by suggesting to the organisers of events you know of, that they book us.

For instance, Wildflower Crowns, Magic Wands or any of our drop-in bee, butterfly or moth workshops travel well and are always popular at any event.

Please ask event organisers to contact sarah@fairylandtrust.org in order to book Fairyland Trust Workshops and for more information, and let her know you have done this.

The Wildflower Fortunes Caravan in 2025: 

This summer we attended Glastonbury, Latitude and Boomtown festivals with this new project and it was a runaway success.  People were willing to queue for an hour to take part and turning many away as we were too popular!

We had every type of adult through our doors from the “bucket hat lads” and ravers to quiet young hipsters and pensioners. We invited people into our purple vintage caravan to discover which wildflower they were through a fortune telling reading using our beautiful bespoke cards illustrated by Sam Symonds.

On entry 98% of attendees said that they knew little or nothing about wildflowers but by the time they left they definitely knew the name of at least one, its magical folklore and the insects they support and were so emotionally connected to it that many pledged to grow it at home in their garden (and other wildflowers too) . Some are even getting tattoos! (This project is for people aged 16 and up).

Founder Sarah Wise says:

I have worked on many nature learning projects over the last 30 years but I have never seen anything that connects people so quickly and on such an intense and emotional level as this project, so I am very keen to make sure the Caravan gets out and about to more events next year.”

You can help by suggesting to the organisers of events you know of, that they book us.

Please ask event organisers to contact sarah@fairylandtrust.org in order to book Fairyland Trust Workshops and for more information, and let her know you have done this.

Norfolk Workshops Winter/Spring 2024/5:

We plan to put on more Winter/ Spring workshops at Abbey Farm in West Acre, Norfolk along similar lines to last year when we ran some Spring and Easter makes. We will advertise these on social media and via our newsletter as and when they are ready.


If there are other ways you’d like to help The Fairyland Trust please contact Chris Rose chris@fairylandtrust.org

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