Nature At Home

Now that so many people are at home and we had to cancel the Fairy Fair because of Covid-19, we thought we’d share some of the content of our makes and Workshops with you – for all those children and families who would like some nature-at-home.  


How to make a Spring Fairy Crown

So we’ve made a new Fairyland Trust YouTube channel and put a couple of videos showing you how to make a Spring Fairy Crown and an Easter Hare.  Visit it and subscribe (all free) for updates – and please share with your friends.

Each has an introduction video showing what materials you need, and then a how-to video showing how to put the make together.


Sarah Wise shares the Fairyland Hare make from her garden shed workshop – this is where nearly all the Fairyland Trust magical workshops come from  


The Spring Crown make uses these woodland wildflower silhouettes which you need to make the paper petals, and the Hare make requires this hare silhouette (download and print out both – pdfs).    And – a good source for the Scola cell  cellulose wallpaper paste type glue, and the Coccocina  potato starch glue used in the Hare workshop is Fred Aldous Ltd


The Easter Hare.  Did you know that the hare not the rabbit, is the original source of all those ‘Easter Bunny’ stories ?

We hope to add to this content in the coming weeks – showing you a bit more of what we’d planned for the Fairy Fair.  

Plus – Run Your Own Wildlife Hospital

In case you missed it on Facebook, we’re also sharing the new graphics from our Wildlife Hospital Workshop which was due to go to Ascot recently (another cancelled event).   So  grab your cuddly animals (preferably some native wildlife species of you have them), decide on their predicament, fix them the best you can with bandages and home-made medicines before giving them their favourite food and tucking them into their preferred beds.  If you do play along, please do send us a photo, we would love to see them!

Bigger files for printing


Blue Tit




More another time – have fun

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