No New Plastic Fancy Dress Show

Free to join 11am – 11.15am

No-New-Plastic Fancy Dress Show

Take part in our unique No-new Plastic Fancy Dress Show.  (Not a competition – free to join).

11am – 11.30am Outdoor Stage (or in the Performance Tent if the weather is horrid- which it won’t be of course).

Fantastical fancy dress is always encouraged at The Fairy Fair. As always the theme is  “fairy” ( any magical creature)  or  British nature.

Have you spent hours making your child’s (or perhaps your entire families) fancy dress costume?  Have you reused old clothes, materials and costumes or used entirely natural new fabrics?  Are you confident you have used no new plastic in their construction?

If so, please show them off to all and come and take part in our fashion show.

Children and adults and family groups are most welcome to come and strut their stuff and inspire us all with your creations.

Please come to the stage and queue up for your moment of glory. If anyone wants to say something about their creation they are more than welcome but if you are feeling shy, have no fear as we will do the talking for you.

Let’s show everyone how fabulous you can look without harming our nature.

Here are some of last Fair’s inspiring efforts.

Why this emphasis on non-plastic? 

It has become increasingly evident that we all have a huge problem with plastic.  So for many years we’ve been trying to get away from the commercialism and the plastic-waste that events often generate. We have asked traders to eliminate plastic packaging and use wood and non-plastic materials on site but plastic also includes ‘hidden’ forms such as plastic in clothing, including costumes (polyester, nylon, acrylic and elastane are all examples of plastic used in clothing).  Our approach is to say yes re-use existing plastic clothing/costumes but please don’t buy anything with new plastic in it, even if that’s ‘recycled’ plastic content. Essentially plastic is not recyclable in the same way that say aluminium or glass is, and loads of what is sent-for-recycling ends up as waste, becoming micro-plastic pollution, or at best, getting incinerated, which can create further toxic pollution.   

update: on Earth Day 2024 (22 April)  pointed up the massively growing problem of microplastic pollution, and how it is implicated in many human heath issues (more at  



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