Now is Tree Time


Visitor to The Real Halloween about to post her story in the Tree Stories Tube, and taking home a hazel to plant, a native tree traditionally associated with wisdom (and a favourite of squirrels and dormice).

If you came to The Real Halloween you may have taken home a free tree in return for your story about trees or woods ?  Thank you if you took part. 


Story-maker with a birch tree to plant


Your stories will all contribute to the national Tree Charter, a national celebration of trees and woods, which culminates in 2017 on the 800th Anniversary of the original Forest Charter which followed the Magna Carta, back in 1217.  Read more about it here.


Trolls with trees – they also do stories but mainly in the oral tradition

Even if you were not at The Real Halloween or for some reason didn’t pick up your free tree, plaese do add your own story about woods or trees and what you feel about them, at the Tree Charter online stories page.  It can be anything from a tree you particularly love to a wood you like to visit or a tree which holds a special memory. Visit this page to add your voice to the Charter.






We gave away lots of free native ‘whips’ or baby trees: hazel, willow, elder, oak, birch, crab apple, blackthorn and hawthorn.  These are all great trees to attract wildlife to your garden and rich in fairy folklore. If you’ve not planted your yet then please do so now as it’s the very best time to plant trees, and National Tree Week is 26 November – 4 December.


Tree Dressing image by Britta Teckentrup.

As part of the Tree Charter the Woodland Trust is now also giving away a free Tree Dressing pack to help people to show their appreciation for a local tree by ‘re-leafing’ its winter branches with decorated leaves.  The idea is to hang your ‘tree stories’  on it so at the end of the event they can be sent in to help inform the charter.  See details here





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