The girls and I would like to share a few thoughts with you.
Our sheperdess Jayne Reeve came to see us to today. She brought someone with her called ‘Sarah’ from the Fairyland Trust.
We’d liked that as they had some sheep nuts and bread. It makes change to just ‘grass’. Although to be honest the pasture here is pretty tasty.
Anyway we all headed over to the Big Oak …
Jayne led the way of course …
And we had a good chat. We heard that you might be coming to visit Sennowe Park, so we’d like you to know ..
that we’ve been very busy nibbling to get the grass nice and short and bouncy for your Fairy Fair next month.
We think you’ll like it here. It’s a pretty nice place with some big flat areas of grass and old trees …
and some slopey bits.
Nice views of the House this way … and
over that way’s the Lake and Boathouse … and more sheep of course …
up this way’s the woods …
and they say this a really old tree. Well it’s been here as long as I can remember.
On balance, I’d say the grazing here is really excellent. A nice bite of grass and mixed herbs.
Although some of us are still on the milk.
So we hope you’ll enjoy your visit.
I’m afraid we’ll be gone by then but we hope you have a lovely time on the springy grass we’ve mowed at Sennowe.
Just don’t forget to buy your tickets !